Saturday, July 25, 2009

God is Good but He is not Safe

The subheading of the pastor‘s sermon pierced my thoughts, the very fact that it still kept resounding in my mind after a few weeks bears witness to it. Thoughts like these don’t happen often and never expected attending a one off Sunday service at Kampar Methodist during the Festival of Minds at UTAR would leave an afterthought lasting weeks. I preached about God’s mercy and his righteousness but this very attribute never did come across so clearly than that Sunday.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever! Psalms: 111:10


  1. 拒绝管教等於伤害自己;听从规勤便是求取智慧。箴言15:32

  2. 《生命中最后一件偶像》
    創世記19:26 羅得的妻子在後邊回頭一看, 就變成了一根鹽柱 天使牵着他们的手往上山跑但是她迷恋那不被神所喜悦的东西!
    出埃及记十七章1至7节 摩西敲打磐石 -----上帝吩咐摩西命令磐石那么磐石就会流出水来。但是他却敲打磐石。因为他的不信他和那一带的人都不能进加南美地!可怜吗?
    師 記 16:28.....參 孫 因为美色而最后被挖眼而死!为什么?生命中最后一件?因为美色!
    路加福音18:22 你还缺少一件 ......什么是你生命中最后一件偶像? 上帝要的是你那紧紧抓住的那一件而不是你所已经给的.......有可能就这么一件你的下场就和以上的几位伟人一样!在上帝里安全吗?安全......只要行他所喜悦的!
