Monday, March 1, 2010

Last Day and the Taxi Man

It had been a wonderful week in Kota Kinabalu. Though there was not much time for literary reflection as I only managed a few lines of the Book of Proverbs, God has His way. Most of the time was basically trying to adjust to having my parents travelling along as where to eat, how to get there, what to do became more than just a personal decision.

Then, it was time to leave for the airport from the hotel. The journey lasted less than 8 minutes but it was to become one of the most startling moments of the entire trip.

He looked very dark for a Chinese. Middle aged. Almost immediately when we closed the door, he asked where we were from. I am good at cutting off small talks. I replied to him as brief as I could, “KL.” I didn't feel chatty.

Without skipping a beat, he asked, “Are you Christian? I am a Christian. I was an ex drug addict and was once in prison for robbery.”

Wow, what a way to start a conversation!

And knowing I am a Christian too, Yap (saw his name on the tag) went on sharing his testimony of how God transformed him. He asked us to pray for his mum, Madam Chan who is suffering from cervical cancer. He didn't ask to pray for recovery. He just said pray for her as she is a very 伟大 mother. “ She didn't give up praying for me.”

At the point of writing this entry on board the plane back to kl, I felt so small, reminded of how much I have fallen short. His enthusiasm for the gospel is genuine. He said he just wants to tell as many people as possible about how loving and great He is. He doesn't want to just leave that to the pastors and preachers. “I can't force them to be Christians, but that at least they have heard of how wonderful my God is.”

Now, what have I been doing all this while? Has God been any less wonderful to me? Certainly NOT!

Lord, strip me away of my pride and give me the courage to share the outpouring of your love be it in or out of season. Amen.

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